The radiusing and fretting of the Strat fretboard in chronological order. To enlarge the photo to full size, click on it.
Using a hacksaw… the set of the teeth were adjusted to accommodate the fret tang.
The blue tape tells me how deep to cut…
The sanding block provides a straight line for the cut.
Making a 12″ radius jig to be able to make the 12″ sanding block.
The future sanding block – a piece of Matai.
Gently moving the router from left to right and up and down the guide rails.
Almost there…
Needed to change the clamps to get to the outer bits…
Sandpaper attached with double sided tape.
Changing to 280 grit.
And then changing to higher grits again…
Fretboard radiusing done.
Pre bending the fret on a bit of Matai with a ‘wide’ slot.
I hand press the frets in with a block of wood. I think there is a better way of doing it.
Done, ready for leveling, filing the ends off and polishing.